(English see below)


Anki - Tài khoản app AnkiMobile Flashcards giá rẻ trên IOS

Anki 是我认为最好的单词学习应用。

Anki 是一个记忆卡片(flash card)制作软件,在创建卡片之后,app会按照遗忘曲线安排每天需要回顾的内容,帮助自己记忆。

Anki 不仅免费(Android),且不同终端同步速度极快,还可以添加图片、录音等附件。

在Anki里,你有两个方式创建卡片: 1. 手动创建,2. 批量导入

虽然Anki的论坛上你能找到很多现成的卡片,但是 Anki 最大的优势在于建立属于你自己的单词库,所以我并不建议批量导入。

我一般的做法是首先在词典软件里收藏新单词,然后找统一的时间把收藏的单词加入到 Anki 里,逐渐地我就有了属于自己的单词库。



In the tenth episode of our podcast, we mentioned an application called Anki that helps with memorizing vocabulary. In this issue of the newsletter, I will go into detail about what Anki is.

Anki - Tài khoản app AnkiMobile Flashcards giá rẻ trên IOS

Anki is what I consider to be the best vocabulary learning app.

Anki is a flash card creation software. After creating the cards, the app schedules daily reviews according to the forgetting curve to aid in memorization.

Anki is not only free (on Android), but also syncs quickly across different devices, and allows the addition of attachments such as images and audio recordings.

In Anki, there are two ways to create cards: 1. Manually, 2. Import in bulk.

Although you can find many pre-made cards on the Anki forum, Anki’s greatest advantage lies in building your own vocabulary database, so I do not recommend importing in bulk.

My usual approach is to first save new words in a dictionary app, then find a set time to add these saved words into Anki, gradually building my own vocabulary database.

But what content should be placed in the cards to maximize your learning efficiency? What is the best way to review cards? Which words are worth memorizing?

These questions, along with more tips on using Anki to memorize vocabulary, will be answered and introduced in the upcoming issues of the newsletter. Stay tuned!

This is the content from our newsletter on July 27, 2024. Want to stay tuned for more Chinese learning tips? Subscribe to the newsletter!

Categories: Chinese Learning Tips