(English see below)



文化大革命之前,大学招生实行全国统一考试制度在1952年就确立了。 文化大革命刚开始时,当时的政府认为高考制度是资产阶级的教育路线,于是提出废止考试制度,大学的招生也一度停止。后来政府提出了提出了选拔具有2年以上实践经验的优秀工农兵入学,并且采用推荐制度+“领导”批准的方式招生,但是整体上在学校教育中排斥文化、排斥考试的现象愈演愈烈。


文化大革命结束之后,也就是1977年, 国家恢复了高考制度。文革之后第一次的高考是在冬天举办的,积压了十年,这次高考中也出现了很多高质量的人才,也为接下来十年中国的发展贡献了很大的力量。

In the seventh episode of our podcast, we mentioned that the college entrance examination, or Gaokao, is the most important exam and social event in China. But did you know that this crucial exam was once abolished for ten years?

That was during the ten years of the Cultural Revolution.

Before the Cultural Revolution, a nationwide unified examination system for university admissions was established in 1952.

At the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, the then-government viewed the Gaokao system as part of a bourgeois educational route and thus proposed its abolition. University admissions were also halted for a time. Later, the government introduced a system to select outstanding workers, farmers, and soldiers with more than two years of practical experience for university admission, using a recommendation system combined with “leader” approval. However, there was an overall increasing trend of rejecting cultural education and examinations in schools.

This approach led to a talent gap, with many people unable to enter universities for further education. Those who gained university entry through connections, or Guanxi, often could not meet market demands. After the Cultural Revolution ended, in 1977, the Gaokao system was reinstated. The first Gaokao after the Cultural Revolution was held in the winter, addressing a decade of backlog. This examination produced many high-quality talents, significantly contributing to China’s development in the following decade.

This is the content from our newsletter on Jun 13, 2024. Want to stay tuned for more Chinese learning tips? Subscribe to the newsletter!

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